On memorial day, my niece had a fall and broke her back in two places. An accident that you never dream could happen. During her six hour surgery and a lot of prayers and people were around the hospital. The doctors were able to insert 2 rods in her back and remove the pieces of her shattered disk. Her outlook is good. She is going to be able to walk again but only through therapy. Also on memorial day a friend sent me the video of "Beautiful Bird" by Cindy Morgan because I love to sit on my deck in the word with the birds singing. The song had even more meaning to my family than that. The words will give my niece inspiration to keep taking steps and trust that God will lift above her pain and help her soar as the beautiful creature he created her to be! Thank you Cindy! As of yesterday, Kristie walked 105 feet with her back brace and walker. She should be going to rehab in a couple of days.
Wonderful!! Isn't our God just Wonderful!! I am continuing to pray for your niece as she learns to walk on her two legs again...as well as to discover the best walk of all...with our Savior...
I am so proud of you! I am seeing you grow stronger and your walk is closer everyday - just like you are watching your neice improve from this injury! I can hear you "sing" as you are "thumped" in the midst of adversity! I am "Delighted" to walk with you as your friend!
I pray for Kristi. I wish i could be there.Give Kristi a hug for me! I LOVE HER AND MISS HER
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