Monday, July 7, 2008

1 Timothy 1

The book of 1 Timothy was written by Paul to Timothy. Timothy was a young leader and Paul’s son in faith. Paul was warning Timothy of false teachers of the law. Paul was leaving for Macedonia and Timothy was to stay at Ephesus to command men not to teach false doctrines because they promote speculation rather than God’s work. The goal of the command is love, good conscience and sincere faith. Straying from these things turns to fruitless discussion. There were men who wanted to be teachers of the law but they did not know the law or what the laws affirmed.

Through Paul, the Lord teaches us no matter how bad our past was or is that God can and will forgive us. Jesus came into this world to save us and no one is beyond being saved.

Question: How do we know if a TV show Pastor, Church pastor, bible study teacher or another person is teaching the true law of God?

First, we need to know that the bible is “God Breathed out.” God inspired the writers in such a way that what they wrote is exactly what God wanted them to write without error. To be able know the law of God is to read his word (the Bible) and listen for God to speak to you. When another person is teaching the Word make sure it matches with the law of God (the bible). Sometimes a person can interpret a verse of scripture and turn all the words around to say what they want it to say. We need to be aware that there are people out in the world that don’t speak the truth of God’s Word and are out to deceive us just by twisting the words.

Bottom line: Read the laws of God, listen for God to speak and be aware that what you hear may not always be correctly stated to what God’s law says.


Delight in Him said...

GOOD JOB!I exhort you from 2 Timothy 1:13-14 "Retain the Standard of sound words which you haev heard in the faith and love which are in Christ Jesus and Guard, through the Holy Spirit who dwells in you, the treasure which has been entrusted to you!"

Anonymous said...

I just love you and your stories they are so insperational, and uplifting. I miss you and hope to see you soon. God bless my sister...