Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Freedom from Addiction

Thoughts from Hebrews 12:3… Consider Him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and loose heart.

When we face discouragement it is easy to lose sight of the big picture, we’re not alone. Suffering is the training ground for Christian maturity. It develops our patience and makes our final victory sweet. (LASB).

Freedom from addiction is very long path and hard to imagine seeing the light but I can almost see it. The enemy is playing mind games telling me “You’ll never be free” or “just one more won’t hurt”. Every step I take feels good for the day but has no direction. Some days, my faith starts shaking. I know I need to awaken my soul to pray and be alert to the lion that is around the corner. The mountain I am climbing seems so steep. I know God will show me his ways and teach me the path to the top…. for the final victory is going to be SWEET.

My foot might slip but I will stand tall and walk again with God as many times it takes because He delights in me!


kdguthr said...

I have been and will continue to pray for you. I know you will make it!

Unknown said...

Go Girlfriend! Amazing post and I hear you!!!